Trade Notice No. 39/2019 - 20 Dated. 19th November, 2019
Issued By. DGFT
In the General communication by Director General of Foreign Trade have mentioned that they found some of the Data related to Exporters were found to be incorrect w.r.t to their Permanent Account Number (PAN) with their IEC Code. More than one IEC was mentioned against their PAN number .
Exporters are reminded to make corrective steps in mentioning their IEC codes along with their PAN Number in their respective database before 15 December 2019, failing which these lEC’s will be suspended by the jurisdictional DGFT Regional Authority (RA).
IEC holders are also requested to update their IEC database periodically so as to reflect the correct particulars including email/mobile which is used for communication purposes. These changes / amendments can be made through 'Online IEC Application'.